About Na’layn Publications

Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, United States

The revitalized art gallery is set to redefine cultural landscape.

With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we create spaces that inspire, elevate, and enrich the lives of those who inhabit them.

The revitalized Art Gallery is set to redefine the cultural landscape of Toronto, serving as a nexus of artistic expression, community engagement, and architectural marvel. The expansion and renovation project pay homage to the Art Gallery’s rich history while embracing the future, ensuring that the gallery remains a beacon of inspiration.

The revitalized Art Gallery is set to redefine the cultural landscape of Toronto, serving as a nexus of artistic expression, community engagement, and architectural marvel. The expansion and renovation project pay homage to the Art Gallery’s rich history while embracing the future, ensuring that the gallery remains a beacon of inspiration.

The readers we serve

It might be useful to describe the kind of reader, or reader purpose, that we aim to serve.

Nalayn aims to serve the needs of the 21st-century reader who wants a clear, concise, obscuration and bling-free guide to understanding what it means to be human, and how to contribute to the world.

All Sufi teachings are an aim to this goal. In turn, this process leads to the gradual unlocking of the Mystique and Intrigue of all Life–the unfurling of the ‘love affair’ between That which brought all Creation to life, and such creation.

We aim to aid, to clarify the path and its shape, and provide comfort, teachings and inspiration while you, the reader, walk the path.

The texts are in clear, modern language and aim to serve the contemporary reader who may need facilitation to access ancient teachings that sit at the heart of the matter of being alive, and the conducting of this affair.

Some titles (such as this sublime book of poetry) move one personally and emotively, but on the correct path alone. Others (such as INTENT) can well be used in business and academic contexts. Yet others (‘Al Mathal al A’la‘) make ancient texts by Sufi masters available to modern readers.

You do not have to formally ‘be a Sufi’ to benefit from our publications. We serve those already initiated into Sufi traditions, and also those who wish to benefit from the teachings while remaining on a degree of separation.

We aim to help you become an excellent, beneficial and transformed presence as our final goal.

Expect a(n inner) revolution.

Na’layn Publications

Our Gatherings

The fuqara (a term used to address the seekers on the Sufi path; meaning, literally, ‘the impoverished’ — those who seek to squeeze the ways of the world out of their selves, leaving only pure essence with the seeker) gather in person with the authors who write with Na’layn Publications, as the authors are also Shaykhs (master/ guide/ teacher/ learned/ able/ one with grasp of a matter — not to be confused with the tribal honorific Sheikh which means tribal or clan leader) in their respective Tariqas (Sufi methods or paths… towards the goal of self-attainment).

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The gatherings are for remembrance, Zikr (aka Dhikr), of the Truth and Essence, by way of special chants and litanies ordained in various Sufi tariqas, and through embodied presence exercises — chiefly, the Hadra… a vigorous rhythmic exercise involving movement and chants.

Not all gatherings are the same. Some involve lectures, some Sufi music. Others are conversations, or meals, or time for laughter and conviviality. Yet others deal with the affairs of the world as we are conducting them, and through which we bring the practice and teachings to life.

In general, a Shaykh or Shaykha would hold regular gatherings of remembrance and hadra, as well as meet-ups on special occasions.

The gatherings in our case are announced regularly on the Facebook group, Zawia Ebrahim. These include circles held by Shaykh Abu Faydan Faridi (Pakistan), and Shaykh Ebrahim ‘Etsko’ Schuitema (South Africa).

The regular places of gathering are:

Zawia Ebrahim
Patronized by Shaykh Ebrahim Etsko Schuitema
64 Cross Roads, Walker Fruit Farms
Gauteng, South Africa
Organizer: Saadiqa Fakier

Karachi Circle
Headed by Shaykh Abu Faydan Faridi
9A/2, 8th Central St.,
DHA-II, Karachi
Host/Organizer: Rizwan Ullah

Shaykha Shahbano Aliani is also part of the Karachi Circle as of now. She communicates regularly with her audience via Facebook. See author page for more info and links to her pages.
Please know that women and men are equal part of our circles. There are sometimes special, topical gatherings for each, addressing issues specific to men or women. Any segregation is only organizational in nature and is for convenience.
Children are active parts of the gathering. Any concern, when present, are communicated at the moment.